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TK: TextureAtlas support for Image Collection Tilesets

Currently "Collection of Images" Tilesets are already supported, but only using individual images.

However it's possible to use image collections and then pack them in an atlas, effectively indexing tile images by name rather than GID and offset within texture.

Details here:

This should be straightforward except for the tile texture caching and lookup algorithms, they may need a different "mode" and the use of texture rects would not be necessary.

Estimate: 1-3 days.

sitterheim, 04.08.2015, 18:18
Response from the site administrator
sitterheim, 22.08.2015

Supports Xcode .atlas for SpriteKit. Will even automatically create an atlas at runtime if one doesn't exist for a "collection of images" tileset.

For Cocos2D, TexturePacker .plist atlases (and compatible, ie Zwoptex) are supported. If there's no atlas for a "collection of images" tileset you'll receive a warning in the log (it's a performance issue).

There's no TexturePacker support for SpriteKit though. It's probably not very common, and difficult to add. If you really need this, please request it.
Idea status: completed


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